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Marketing agencies' interest in the metaverse

Marketing agencies have a new avenue to focus on when launching campaigns with brands in front of their followers. Marketing agencies should be interested in the metaverse because this new digital environment is expected to have a significant impact on the way people interact and consume online content in the near future.
May 8, 2023
Marketing agencies' interest in the metaverse

Marketing agencies should be interested in the metaverse because this new digital environment is expected to have a significant impact on the way people interact and consume online content in the near future. The metaverse is defined as an online virtual space where users can interact in a 3D virtual world using virtual and augmented reality technologies.

The metaverse is emerging as a digital space that combines virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and blockchain to create an immersive and collaborative experience. This virtual environment allows users to interact with other users, objects and virtual environments in real time, providing new opportunities for digital marketing.

The metaverse offers a great opportunity for brands to connect with consumers in a more immersive and emotional way, which can lead to increased engagement and brand loyalty. Brands can create unique and engaging brand experiences within the metaverse, such as virtual events, product showcases and interactive advertising campaigns. The metaverse also offers a way to reach a wider audience, as users can join from anywhere in the world.

A clear example of this was Domino's Pizza's activation with DjMariio on the occasion of his documentary. The chain set up a virtual event in Decentraland to which a considerable number of users came to enjoy it interactively. DjMariio also entered Decentraland with his own user, which gave the event much more value.

In addition, the metaverse also offers new forms of monetisation and business models for brands. Cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are becoming a common form of payment within the metaverse, allowing brands to monetise their products and services in new ways.

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In short, marketers should take an interest in the metaverse because it offers new opportunities to connect with consumers, create unique and innovative brand experiences and explore new business models.