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Interested in getting your brand into the metaverse?

The metaverse is an online virtual space that is booming and is expected to be the next big technological revolution. In the metaverse, users can create and customise their own avatars and explore virtual worlds where they can interact with other users and virtual objects in real time.
May 8, 2023
Interested in getting your brand into the metaverse?

The metaverse is an online virtual space that is booming and is expected to be the next big technological revolution. In the metaverse, users can create and customise their own avatars and explore virtual worlds where they can interact with other users and virtual objects in real time. This immersive environment is creating new opportunities for brands as it allows them to reach an online audience on a more personal and emotional level. In this sense, here are some of the benefits for brands that decide to enter the metaverse:

Increase brand visibility: The metaverse allows brands to reach an online audience in a more relatable and authentic way than traditional advertising. Brands can harness the power of the metaverse to create immersive, participatory experiences that engage users and increase brand visibility.

At StadioPlus we have led prestigious brands such as LaLiga to create their own space in the metaverse. We have also managed with other brands the activation of a temporary event in the metaverse.

Any brand interested in innovation and these services can contact StadioPlus through this simple form.

Generate unique brand experiences: The metaverse offers a space for unlimited innovation and creativity. Brands can use the metaverse to create unique brand experiences that engage users and make them feel part of the brand. For example, a fashion brand can create a virtual fashion show where users can interact with the models and clothes, or a car brand can create a virtual world where users can drive their cars and experience the brand in a different way.

Extend interaction with users: The metaverse allows brands to interact with users in a closer and more personalised way. Brands can use the metaverse to offer real-time customer service or organise virtual events where users can interact with the brand and other users.

Develop new forms of monetisation: The metaverse offers new monetisation opportunities. Brands can create unique virtual objects that users can buy or redeem for other branded products or services. They can also develop new forms of advertising in the metaverse that generate revenue for the brand.

Innovate in marketing strategy: The metaverse is a space for innovation and experimentation. Brands can use the metaverse to test new marketing and advertising strategies and evaluate their effectiveness in a virtual environment before applying them in the real world.

In short, brands can gain multiple benefits by entering the metaverse. They can increase brand visibility, create unique brand experiences, expand interaction with users, develop new forms of monetisation and innovate their marketing strategy. It is important to keep in mind that the metaverse is a constantly evolving space and brands must be willing to adapt and experiment to make the most of the opportunities offered by this virtual environment.